ABout Us 

The Cambridge Caribbean Cricket Academy (CCCA) is created to bring children offthe streets and onto the cricket pitch. The aim is to provide coaching sessions, opportunities to learn the game, to play cricket matches and tournaments. The CCCA focuses on girls and boys fromn the African Caribbean diaspora and children from other ethnic backgrounds to get involved. It celebrates Caribbean cricket culture by providing Caribbean style cricket matches_and tournaments. The long-term goal for the CCCA is to make cricket more accessible to children by providing access to the CCCA coaches and facilities in Cambridge city, Cambridgeshire and beyon d . It is our aim to inspire children through cricket, and to give them the opportunity to play and experience Caribbean culture within a sporting environment

The founder of CCCA is Dr Carol J Brown-Leonardi and the Patron and head coach is Mr John Maynard West Indian International Cricketer and Fast Bowler (aka The Dentist).

CCCA Vision

The CCCA recognises children as the key to the future in cricket and tackles the decline of children and young people with Caribbean heritage engagement in cricket as a recreational sporting activity. At CCCA the objective is to inspire grassroots cricket participation and support migration to club settings and top develop access to Talent ID pathways.